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Saturday, February 19, 2022

Trick To Purchase Free Domains - Step-By-Step Guide


Purchasing free domains from isn't that difficult. You can easily buy your desired name domains by following some simple steps but, before getting started, let's discuss the one that provides free domains, Freenom.

What Is Freenom?

Freenom is a popular domain provider company that offers free domains to everyone for a period of 1 to 12 months. However, the maximum duration of reserving a free domain is 12 months. From the very next years, you'll be liable to pay 10$ to renew your free domain.

Can I Use Freenom For My Professional Business Website?

No, domains from Freenom is recommended for testing purpose only. Using free domains professionally will cause you so many things such as; high downtime, high chances of domain suspension, hard to rank, negative impact, etc. 
Are you still confused? Okay, let's talk about the Advantages & Disadvantages of using free domains.

Advantages Of Using Free Domains

Using a free domain has several advantages in which, being free is the biggest one. Obviously, you're reading this article because it contains the word "Free" in it. Everyone wants to save money. Don't they? Apart from this, there are many other advantages of using free domains given below.
  • As I said earlier, being free is the major advantage of using free domains. You can buy several extensions such as .tk .ga .ml and many other free extensions.
  • It's a good option for all the learners & beginners. I still use free domains for my several testing projects & works or if I want to explore new things in the development of a website.
  • There is no limit to purchasing free domains that help developers to create dummy websites separately for all their clients.
  • It comes with 12 months duration. So, you don't have to worry about the expiration at all. Your website will not go down before a year.
  • It makes it easier for beginners to start their carrier as the process of purchasing a free domain and setting it up is quite easy as compared to paid once.
These were some of the major benefits of using a free domain. Now let's talk about the dark side (Disadvantages).

Disadvantages of Using Free Domains

Well, in my opinion, the advantage & disadvantage depends on what you want to do with the domain. In short, if you want to use the free domain for any kind of work apart from running your official website with that domain, then it's advantageous. Below are some of the major disadvantages of using free domains.
  • Free domains rarely rank. If you're using a free domain for your blog, never expect that you're gonna rank on Google whatever you've written how many high-quality articles. It's damn difficult to rank a website with a free domain.
  • As it's free, many spammers use free domains to spam/scam users and that's the reason Google has considered free domains as a spam domain whether you're spamming or not.
  • You might have faced it. When an unknown person sends a link with a free domain, you might have felt suspicious. It's a human tendency that they don't encourage free things. So, the trust value of free domains are nearly zero.
  • The spam score will be higher.
  • You will get fewer resources & also over a million websites on a single server which will increase downtime with a little amount of traffic.
These were some of the major disadvantages of using a free domain. I hope now you have some clear-cut knowledge of the free domain, advantages & disadvantages of free domains, uses of free domains, and many others.

Now, here comes an interesting part. You can get free domains but still, you'll have to pay for Web Hostings. Also, most Web Hosting Providers do not accept free domains to their servers. However, I've come up with an overall solution for this problem. Use RedserverHost.Com as your Web Hosting Provider because they provide the Cheapest Web hosting Services across the Internet. Apart from that, they also accept free domains so, It'll be easy to connect your free domain with hosting.

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